Get Rid Of Uneven Skin Naturally With AudBod

What is uneven Skin tone? 

It refers to having different skin tones or textures on the skin barrier level. This can also be accompanied by dry patches, built-up dead skin cells, fine lines, or blotchiness. This can occur anywhere on the body 

What are the causes? 

  1. Sun Exposure -This occurs when the skin has been exposed to UV rays for a long duration of time or rapidly within a short amount of time. UV rays essentially burn your skin cells causing a distinction in color 
  2.  Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation -This is the darkening of the skin due to scarring, which can be a result from acne or skin injuries 
  3. Skin Disorders - Skin disorders such as Eczema and Psoriasis causes discoloration under the patches that form 
  4. Hormones - Melasma is an increase in melanin production caused by an overstimulated hormone. An influx in hormones can also occur due to female’s menstruation time period. Negatively, there can also be a decrease in certain hormones that aid in pigmentation   
  5. Dead Skin -The build-up of dead skin cells can cause the appearance of uneven skin tones  
  6. Pollution  - Air pollution particles can penetrate the skin and lead to dark spots/areas 

What’s The Solution? 

3 simple steps to resolve this: 

  1. Cleanse 
    1. Use AUDBOD Shower Gels as a gentle cleanser and pair it with our exfoliating gloves to help remove dead skin cells and help stimulate the blood flow to that area 
  2. Moisturize 
    1. Moisturize using any AUDBOD products that caters to your skin’s moisturization level need and keep your skin hydrated, promoting healthy skin cell production. Pair this with your favorite sunscreen for an extra layer of protection 
  3. Protect  
    1. Be cautious of the amount of time you are exposed to hard levels of sunlight and pollution. Double your average intake of hydration and wear protective colors that block sunrays. 

Follow these three simple steps daily and you are sure to see remarkable results within 30 days!

Happy Healing,


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